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Glaxon Glaxon Super Greens

Super Greens is a superfood greens product designed to do two things: supportive antioxidants to make up for a lack of fruit and vegetable intake in most diets AND enhance performance. 

Glaxon PlasmSurge 2.0

New and Improved Pump Formula

Glaxon Super Greens Burstberry Iced Tea


Glaxon Glaxon Premium Multi

Glaxon 100% Premium Daily Multi May Help:
Provide Essential Vitamins and Minerals
Fill in Nutritional Gaps
Prevent Micronutrient Deficiencies
Enhance Energy
Boost Immunity
Support Brain and Eye Health
Increase Nutrient Uptake and Bioavailability

Glaxon Glaxon Tranquility Watermelon

The best sleep supplement on the market to improve sleep cycles to promote growth and recovery.

Glaxon Plasm Surge

Plasm Surge is a non-stimulant pre-workout product that is designed to improve endurance, blood flow, and overall vasodilation to the extremities. This can also be used as an additive to any stimulant pre-workout to obtain better pumps and blood.

Glaxon Goon Energy Pomeberry Gummy

The Ultimate Nootropic Experience for Mental Endurance and Cognition.

Glaxon Electro Creatine + Electrolytes Naked

Glaxon Electro Creatine-Electrolytes

Glaxon Flight Regenerate

Glaxon Flight Regenerate

Glaxon Glaxon Xeno Amino

Glaxon Xeno Amino

Glaxon Speciment YoYo Watermelon Ice

Glaxon Specimen YoYo Watermelon Ice

Glaxon Sedative

Sedative is the perfect end-of-day formula designed to help promote rest, relaxation, and recovery. Sedative is a fine mix of inhibitory amino acids, growth hormone secretagogues, and anxiolytic components combined to elicit a blissful nose-dive right int

Glaxon Astrolyte Hydrating Electrolytes Juicy Apple

Hydration is imperative for optimal performance for all athletes. Most athletes do not become thirsty until more than 2% of body weight is lost. By this time, performance may have already begun to decline.
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