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Tools and Calculators

What is your BMI?

Your BMI is a measurement of your body weight based on your height and weight. Although your BMI does not actually “measure” your percentage of body fat, it is a useful tool to estimate a healthy body weight based on your height. Due to its ease of measurement and calculation, it is the most widely used diagnostic indicator to identify a person’s optimal weight depending on his height. Your BMI “number” will inform you if you are underweight, of normal weight, overweight, or obese. However, due to the wide variety of body types, the distribution of muscle and bone mass, etc., it is not appropriate to use this as the only or final indication for diagnosis.


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The formulas to calculate BMI based on two of the most commonly used unit systems:

  • BMI = weight(kg) / height(m) (Metric Units)
  • BMI = 703·weight(lb) / height(in) (U.S. Units)


BMI table for adults

This is the World Health Organization’s (WHO) recommended body weight based on BMI values for adults. It is used for both men and women, age 18 or older. The Body mass chart for adults and the body mass chart for children is different. This is becasue body mass index is accounted differently based on age and growth spurts. Here is the Body Mass Index Chart for women and for men that are 18 and older:

BMI Widget Image. The BMI chart for adults.

BMI table for children

The BMI categroization for children under 18 is unique. There is a different methodology for minors when it comes to calculate Body Mass Index. This is due to children’s growth and metabolism changes as they get older. The BMI categorization for children and teens between age 2 and 18 can be seen in the table that is below:

BMI Widget Image. BMI chart for children under 18.





What is BMR?

The rate at which energy (calories) is used for the essential life functions is called Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). Basal metabolism includes most of the involuntary things the human body does to support life – such as breathing, blood circulation, body temperature regulation, nervous system operations, etc., but not the extra energy needed for any additional physical activity such as gym exercise. In other words, if you laid in bed all day doing nothing else, then you would need to eat at least the number of calories roughly equal to your BMR in order to maintain your normal body functions.


What Does the Calorie Calculator do?

The calorie calculator calculates how many calories you need to consume to gain or lose weight. In step 1 of the calorie calculator widget you can input your height, age, gender, weight and your activity level. This information is used to calculate your total daily calorie expenditure. (Calories are a way to measure energy consumed). In step 2 of the calorie calculator widget you can input how much weight you want to gain or lose. Based on this information the calorie widget creates a calorie surplus or a calorie deficit in your diet that will help you achieve your target weight. Depending on how much weight you want to gain or lose you can adjust your calorie intake or your activity level to achieve your desired result.


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